Jill and I got to move to a new room inside the Ronald McDonald House. Since we have triplets we got to move into a suite room. We have been in a room that kind of looks like a hotel room. In this room we have our hotel style room, with a foyer, kitchen and living room. It has a lot more room for us. It also has a front door where we can go in and out without walking through the halls. In the kitchen of this room we have a stove, dishwasher, and a full size refrigerator. The living room has an old style big screen tv. The other room that has our bed has a 27 inch tube tv. We have had a 19inch tube tv in the old room.
Today the boys had a good day. When we went to see them at the 11am feeding we got to hold Brayson and Cooper. Jill and I both held them at the same time. This was awesome. The nurse took a picture of both of us holding them. Emerson was a sleep but we held him tonight. Emerson lost a little weight due to a bowel movement but was just 4 grams. So he is now weighing 3lbs 4.5oz. Brayson now weighs 3 grams less than 4lbs, and Cooper weighs 3lbs 5.8oz. They are doing pretty good. They are still having heart rate drops every couple of hours but usually they recover on their own. This is good when they recover on their own. Emerson is doing good on his high flow canular. Cooper had to make the move to this high flow canular as well.
Tonight Jill, Gran and I went out to get a bite to eat. We went to the Original Oyster House here in Mobile. It was very good!!! Gran and I had a couple of adult beverages. We all had some great seafood. I had the Causway Steamer which includes steamed shrimp, king crab legs and steamed oysters. Jill had fried crab claws and shrimp while Gran had the trio shrimp. We also had some alligator and fried green tomatoes. The bartender made a joke about Gran that was hilarious. The bartender was asking us how our food was and Gran misunderstood what he was saying. So later on in the night some lady was ordering drinks over Gran and was apologizes to her when the bartender joked with the lady that Gran had misunderstood earlier. It was really funny!! After dinner Jill and I went back to see the boys.



More Brayson



Jill in background with Cooper


Concerned Dad

Concerned Mom



Check out that hat
Here are some pictures.
Thanks for the prayers and the love.
Jill and Amon