Friday, May 27, 2011


All of the boys are now in the same pod.  For the first time since birth they are together again.  Yes they are in pod #1 the first three babies on the right. The order is Cooper, Brayson and Emerson.  Jill and I were totally surprised.  I got off of work a little early and drove back to Mobile.  We went to the NICU at 5pm and we found all three of them in the same pod.  The nurses were so happy they were together as well. 

Emerson got off his non invasive CPAP today.  He is going to try and be a big boy like his brothers.  They put him on a high flow canular.  So that was good news.  Cooper and Brayson were doing good without their CPAPs until we went back to see them after dinner.  They were having a lot of heart rate drops.  The nurses call it showing off for mom and dad.  Mom and dad do not really like it when this happens. 

We didnt get a chance to hold the boys today.  However they were very awake and alert with their eyes wide open.  Tonight Cooper was very active.  He was exercising in his isolette.  Grabbing his canular and putting it in his mouth.  Not once but several times when I was watching him for a solid 30 minutes.  I guess he was hungry! 

Heres some pictures of the boys.

Thanks for the prayers. Keep them coming.

Jill and Amon

1 comment:

  1. wE ARE ALL here checking out the beautiful babies..I wish they would let them be together touching and being held more./that seems like it wouold be the single most important thriving tool...but sosososo glad to hear they were together. Amon you do the best job telling about it all..can hear how much your love them with the words you choose. We are praying!! love, your California cousins!!
