Monday, May 23, 2011

The Big Move

On Friday we heard that they were closing one of the pods.  A pod is a room that they keep all of the babies in.  We have been in pods 1,2, & 4 since birth.  I say we I mean the boys.  They all have been separated.  Emerson has been in pod 4 and that was the one that they were closing.  So we have three boys and only three pods for all of them so our chances of all the boys being in the same pod was pretty good.  Or at least two of them together was going to be pretty good.  Well all weekend we heard about this closing of pod 4 and we were thinking that Emerson was probably going to get moved to pod 3 where we didnt have a child.  So we woke up this morning wondering where Emerson was going to be placed.  Amon went down to deliver some milk before he went to work and he found out where Emerson was going to be placed.  Emerson was placed in pod 2 with his little brother Brayson.  Yeah!  We now do not have to go all the way to the end to see Emerson.  He is actually right next to Brayson.  I mean they are back to back to one another.  The closest they have been since birth. 

As far as their health.  Everything is still about the same.  All of the boys are gaining weight on a daily basis.  I mean it might only be an ounce but that is better than nothing.  Emerson is weighing above his birth weight at 3lbs 2oz, Brayson is a little below his birth weight at 3lbs 11oz, and Cooper weighs 3lbs 1oz.  All the boys are eating the same as last post except for Cooper and he is eating 25ccs. 

Amon and I are doing okay!  We are going to see the boys three to four times a day or at least I am.  Amon is working!  Actually Amon is taking tomorrow off.  Yeah!  We are still staying in Mobile at the Ronald McDonald House.  This is a really nice place and they have been really good to us here.  They feed us a meal everyday at 6:30.  And they also have community food for everyone that is staying here.  All this food is donated by local churches and businesses.  Last week Amon made me pancakes that were delicious! 

Thanks for all the Prayers and keep them coming!




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