Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Boy Pants

The boys did it!  They made their way down to the annex part of the NICU yesterday.  They have started wearing their big boy pants as the nurses like to say.  Yesterday Jill got the news while I was still at work and she called me immediately to let me know.  Then about 5:30 they made the move.  Emerson and Brayson are doing so good that they got their high flow canulars removed.  Now they are on regular canulars instead of the high flow.  The high flow has heat added to it instead of just regular air flow.  Their canulars are set on the level of two just like they were when they were on the high flow.  The next step will be room air just like we all breath.  Emerson is weighing 5lbs 5oz, Brayson is at 5lbs 13oz, and Cooper is 5lbs 3oz.  Today they are six weeks old and 36 weeks of gestation.  It should only be about four more weeks at the most then we will be going home.  However it could be sooner!  I am thinking maybe around July 10th or thats what I am hoping anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad for your family. We pray for yall daily. Can't wait till the boys are home and I can come and get my baby fix. I am so glad you are blogging.. I have a website you can use and the blog will print out to a hard back book and you can keep this as their first baby book.
